
Tooth Loss Can Affect More Than Your Smile (Video)

Mar 04, 2018
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Tooth loss in adults is more common than we would like, but it’s a reality that many people have to deal with in one way or another. It’s important to understand that losing teeth affects more than your smile.

Tooth Loss Can Affect More Than Your Smile

Tooth loss in adults is more common than we would like, but it’s a reality that many people have to deal with in one way or another.

It’s important to understand that losing teeth affects more than your smile. It also can make it more difficult to eat many foods. This can affect your nutrition and your overall health.

This is why we offer a range of replacement options at our Reading, MA office. We don’t what tooth loss to affect the quality of life of our adult patients. To learn about our replacement options, call 781-423-8138 or contact First Dental Associates with our online form.