
Is Invisalign as Effective as Braces?

Jun 24, 2022
Is Invisalign as Effective as Braces?
Many adults believe that braces are just for kids and teenagers. But that’s far from the truth. In reality, over 4,000,000 people in the U.S. wear braces, and 25% of those individuals are adults.

Many adults believe that braces are just for kids and teenagers. But that’s far from the truth. In reality, over 4,000,000 people in the U.S. wear braces, and 25% of those individuals are adults. Yet unfortunately, there remains a stigma about traditional braces that keeps adults with crooked or misaligned teeth from getting orthodontic treatment.

And these same adults often turn to their family dentist to ask: Does Invisalign work as good as braces? And we’re here to tell you that Invisalign is just as effective as braces in most scenarios and can provide excellent results.

Does Invisalign work as well as braces?

Traditional metal braces were created to help straighten teeth and improve your smileInvisalign started taking the market by storm back in 2000 as patients found they could get the same benefits with clear aligners as with traditional metal braces. Just like the name suggests, Invisalign braces were designed to be nearly invisible, which means no one needs to know you have them except for your dentist, you, and anyone you choose to tell.

Invisalign clear braces are made of comfortable and smooth BPA-free plastic that is worn directly over your teeth, subtly moving them over time. The process of creating your clear aligners is quite easy as your dentist uses X-rays, digital images, and impressions to create an accurate 3-D image of your teeth. This means your new Invisalign braces will fit snugly and comfortably to do the job.

That said, we know you probably have a few more questions to help you answer the ultimate question: does Invisalign work as well as braces? We’ve responded to those questions below so that we can fully inform you of the advantages to clear aligners and the aesthetic benefit you’ll be sure to experience.

1. How long does Invisalign treatment take?

Though it is different for every patient, most Invisalign treatments take six months to two years. The treatment time is directly related to the complexity of your situation and your ideal smile. You will wear your clear braces for 20 to 22 hours per day during your treatment. Invisalign clear aligners are only to be removed for eating or brushing your teeth. Adhering to the instructions provided to you by your dentist will help ensure that your treatment moves along as quickly as possible.

2. Are Invisalign clear aligners really that comfortable?

One of the clearest benefits (pun intended) of Invisalign vs. metal braces is that patients consistently indicate that aligners are more comfortable to wear. As there are no metal wires or brackets required with Invisalign, patients don’t have to be concerned about painful cuts or nicks in their mouth. Invisalign clear trays are smooth and do not cause the same irritation. Most patients compare them to a mouthguard, free of those sharp and painful edges.

3. Is Invisalign practical?

Some patients believe that traditional braces are more practical than Invisalign, and this is because they are worn all the time. After all, with metal braces, patients don’t need to remove anything in order to eat or brush their teeth. But executives to college students (and everyone in between) can appreciate the flexibility that Invisalign offers as a tradeoff for removing and replacing aligners during eating and brushing.

Not only do you not need to make a trip to the orthodontist or dentist every month or so for adjustments, you can also take your aligners out before a social event or a big presentation – simply pop the aligners back in when it is convenient for you, as long as you wear them for the majority of the time.

4. Who is a candidate for Invisalign?

Invisalign is a great choice for those with mild to moderate bite issues. More severe situations generally call for traditional braces as they can apply more pressure to the teeth to correct the problem.

Invisalign is best for teenagers and adults, and we tell patients all the time that they are never too old for Invisalign treatment. Children have a more malleable jawbone and are still developing until early adulthood. Thus, traditional braces are more effective in this situation. Clear braces are also great for mild to moderate crowding and orthodontic issues.

5. How does Invisalign compare to Smile Direct Club aligners?

Some patients do have success with Smile Direct braces offered through Smile Direct Club. However, in our experience, Invisalign is a far more effective treatment. A critical reason for Invisalign effectiveness vs. Smile Direct Club is that with Invisalign, you receive in person treatment. With Smile Direct Club, you receive remote treatment.

Though both treatments can correct some bite issues and the cosmetics of your smile, Invisalign tends to be a more comfortable custom-fit treatment that can solve most bite cases as well as any teeth that are severely misaligned. Check out some Invisalign reviews to see how other patients felt about their clear aligner treatment.

See for yourself how Invisalign works as well as braces.

If you are looking to improve your smile due to a misalignment or otherwise crooked teeth and you love or work in the area of Reading, MA, now is the time to make a change. The team at First Dental Associates can answer that lingering question: Is Invisalign as effective as traditional braces? The answer is yes, and all you need to do to get started is request an appointment. We look forward to meeting you and showing you how clear aligners can give you that smile makeover you have been waiting for.